• Azərbaycan Respublikası Səhiyyə Nazirliyi
  • Medicine
  • 24-06-2023
  • 195

Gunesh Jafarova, deputy director of the Republican AIDS Center: One of the main conditions of treatment is that patients strictly follow the course of treatment.

- Mrs. Gunesh, first of all, would you inform us about HIV/AIDS and ways of infection...

- HIV infection is an infectious disease caused by Human Immunodeficiency Viruses and characterized by increased damage to the immune system. AIDS is the last clinical stage of HIV infection and is accompanied by other complications, such as tuberculosis, oncological diseases, damage to the central nervous system.
There are 3 main ways of infection of the disease:
• Sexually - when having sexual contact with an HIV-infected person, especially as a result of casual unprotected sexual contact;
• Parenteral route – as a result of transfusion of HIV-containing blood and its preparations; during organ transplantation of an HIV-infected donor; As a result of using HIV-contaminated medical equipment, including injection drug use; In case of contact with an open wound during the use of hygienic and other household items contaminated with HIV;
• Perinatal transmission - HIV-infected mother-to-child transmission can occur during pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding.

- What clinical signs can be observed during HIV infection?

- HIV-infection is an infection without specific symptoms. During the course of the disease, 4 clinical stages are distinguished. Depending on these stages, HIV-infected individuals may experience different clinical symptoms. In the initial stage, there is general weakness, rapid fatigue, enlargement of lymph nodes, and periodic fever. In the later stages, other complications (fungal lesions of the skin and internal organs, symptoms characteristic of tuberculosis, malignant tumors) are noted. Sometimes the disease has a latent course for years, and the virus is detected in the blood during random examinations without any symptoms.

- At present, what is the level of the epidemiological situation related to HIV in our country?

- Despite the measures taken to combat HIV/AIDS in the world, the spread of the infection is still ongoing. Compared to the countries of the region, Azerbaijan is the country with the lowest prevalence of HIV infection. Thanks to the work carried out by the Ministry of Health, targeted action among risk groups has allowed to keep the spread of HIV-infection at a concentrated stage.
In Azerbaijan, this infection has spread mainly among high-risk groups. In total, from 1987, when HIV infection was first detected in Azerbaijan, to the end of 2022, 8,563 people living with HIV are officially registered in the Republican AIDS Center. 69.5% of them are men, 30.5% are women.

- How are HIV-infected persons treated?

- Treatment of HIV-infected persons is carried out at the Republic AIDS Center of the Ministry of Health, and they are provided with prescribed medicines by the state. The main goal of treatment is to prolong life and improve its quality by reducing the level of HIV virus in the body to a minimum, reducing mortality and the frequency of HIV transmission.
One of the main conditions of treatment is that patients strictly follow the course of treatment. The most important point here is that the treatment is lifelong. Additional complications may occur if patients do not adhere to the ART regimen properly. These cases are monitored by our doctors and the patients are provided with the necessary services.

- Could you provide information about the educational activities carried out by the center in the fight against HIV and the work done in this direction...

- Despite the spread of HIV-infection more among risk groups, the Republican AIDS Center carries out educational activities among risk groups as well as among the general population. Thus, a series of events and mass screening actions are organized in places where the population is densely gathered, in large shopping centers, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Science and Education in secondary and higher education institutions in the capital and regions. In addition, within the framework of the Center's cooperation with "Baku Metropoliteni" CJSC, educational videos are shown throughout the day at 18 stations of the metro.
Also, the staff of the AIDS Center regularly conducts training on HIV infection for doctors and paramedics in medical institutions, including preparing clinical protocols and methodical recommendations.

- What should a person with suspicion of HIV infection know? How to prevent infection?

- The most important condition in the fight against the disease is the implementation of preventive measures. We must not forget that prevention is always better than cure. By avoiding risky behaviors, staying away from bad habits, following hygienic rules, and being educated, we can protect ourselves and those around us from HIV infection.
It is recommended that everyone be tested for HIV at least twice a year, regardless of suspected infection. Examinations are performed anonymously in the center and regional laboratories