• Food safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Drug
  • 15-06-2021
  • 586

Biologically active food supplements and instructions for use

Biologically active food supplements are used to supplement the diet in order to eliminate the deficiency of components (vitamins, minerals, etc.) in the body, to support specific physiological functions or to ensure the normal functioning of the body. Vitamins, one of the main nutritional components of these products, are organic substances that the body requires in limited quantities. Insufficient intake of vitamins has a negative effect on the human body. When vitamin deficiency occurs, the body's resistance to disease is weakened. It is important to meet the body's daily need for vitamins to maintain and improve health. Minerals are also important for the normal functioning of the body. Minerals play an indispensable role in the body's metabolism. Mineral deficiency causes various diseases. When the body's daily requirement for minerals is not met through natural nutrition, it leads to serious complications in bone, muscle and nerve tissues.

In addition, biologically active food supplements may contain a limited range of other substances, including amino acids, fatty acids, proteins, and various plant extracts. Biologically active food supplements can never be considered medicinal, despite the fact that they are products prepared in a pharmaceutical form and the daily dose is determined. At present, food supplements are generally sold in pharmacies, and their use is often done on the advice of a doctor, so consumers sometimes consider these products as medicines. However, it should not be forgotten that the main purpose of the use of biologically active food supplements is to enrich the diet. Food supplements have no pharmacological, immunological or metabolic effects on the body. For this reason, their use is not intended to treat disease or alter physiological functions in humans. It should be noted that biologically active food supplements are taken during meals or as a separate food to meet the necessary needs of the body. But in no case does it replace a normal diet.
Thus, biologically active food supplements can be prescribed by a doctor to strengthen the body, enrich the diet, but can not replace drugs prescribed for the prevention or treatment of diseases. That is, biologically active food supplements can not have the same composition as drugs. These or other requirements are reflected in a number of legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Thus, the Law on Medicines and Advertising, the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 287 dated July 10, 2018 sets out a number of requirements and rules related to biologically active food supplements. Due to these requirements, the instructions for use of biologically active food supplements should not contain information about the use of any disease for the prevention and treatment of any disease, or expressions that create such an impression. It should be noted in the instructions for use of these products that there is no therapeutic effect. Thus, on the packaging of biologically active food supplements and in their instructions for use (package inserts) should be written the words "Not a drug", "Can not be used for the treatment of diseases" printed in clear, selectable, bold letters, indelible.
It should be noted that in a number of developed countries, the import, export, sale and circulation of these products are regulated in the same way as food.
Every consumer should know that the ideal way to provide the body with all the nutrients is to eat properly, including a variety of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the daily diet. However, it is interesting to note that many consumers take supplements not only to meet the essential need for these substances, but also to increase the body's resistance to disease, even if it is not necessary, thinking that they increase the body's resistance to disease. Because it sounds easy to meet the necessary needs of the body with a tablet that contains all the nutrients. However, we must not forget that dietary supplements are not a substitute for a safe and healthy diet. For one reason or another, the world's leading research centers recommend choosing the right food source, taking all the nutrients from food.
When buying biologically active food supplements, carefully read the instructions for use on the package or on the package insert. This will allow us to be aware of the potential benefits of the product we buy, as well as the risks it poses, the daily dose and contraindications.