Activities of a social business institution in Baku

The Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AQTA) continues to take measures to ensure food safety and protect consumer rights.

Within the scope of the control measures, during the planned inspection of the public catering establishment "Napoleon Hall" owned by the individual Kazimov Sahin Shakir oglu, operating in K. Setkin street, block 4081, Baku city, Sabunchu district, Bakukhanov district, K. Setkin street, 4081, normative legal acts in the field of food safety, sanitation it was determined that the requirements of norms and rules were violated. Thus, it was found that the sanitary-technical and sanitary-hygienic conditions in the areas of reception and storage of raw materials are not satisfactory. Floors, walls and ceilings are not covered with smooth, repairable, easy-to-clean and regularly disinfected material, including broken integrity, work tables and shelves in the washing area do not have an easy-to-wash and hygienic surface, the sink is corroded, ventilation in the main and auxiliary areas system was not installed, sewage pipes were not insulated, cold and hot food preparation areas were not separated, barbecue was placed in the hot and cold food preparation area, a dressing area equipped with individual cabinets for the staff was not organized, appropriate cleaning work was not carried out regularly and other defects were discovered . An administrative protocol was drawn up on the management of the enterprise in connection with the discovered defects, and the enterprise's activity was restricted.

AQTA regularly implements appropriate measures in the field of providing the population with healthy food.